Soma Austin

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2021 Budget and Giving Commitment

As we prepare for 2021, we are asking everyone committed to Soma Austin to do two things regarding giving their Time, Talent, and Treasure.

  1. Look at our 2021 Proposed Budget - You can find a copy here.

2. Spend some time praying and asking God some of these questions.

Think about each of the areas of Time, Talent, and Treasure. If you are giving nothing, the change to make is to give something. If you are giving SOMETHING, then make a move to give SIGNIFICANTLY. If you have been giving significantly, can you give SACRIFICIALLY? For each of us, the amount of time, talent, and treasure we have to give are different, but all of us can grow in giving something, significantly and sacrificially.

Time - What is God encouraging me to do with my time? How can I be a better steward of the time I am given? What is God calling me to lay down?

Talents - What talents, gifts, and abilities has God given me for the benefit of others and the church?

Treasure- What is God calling me to give to our church? How am I giving to others in my church in need? How am I giving to the poor and needy in my community and city?

3. Fill out this 2021 Giving Commitment form - It is 6 questions that will help you and us as a church to know where God is working and leading.