BLESS - Missional Rhythms for Every Day Life - Bless

Thank you to our brothers and sisters at Soma Tacoma for letting us use their imagery and content.

This is the beginning of a 5 week look at Missional Rhythms for Every Day Life using the BLESS Acronym. BLESS comes from TIm Chester and gas been adapted in our Soma Family. Living out of our Identities is key to an abundant and flourishing life.


As we acknowledge and bless God for the blessings we have received from him, we intentionally bless God’s people and not-yet-believers with our resources so that they will flourish.


As we listen to the Spirit, we listen to the stories of believers and not-yet-believers with love and curiosity so we can know who they are and learn how God’s story intersects with theirs.


As we experience the invitation and provision of Jesus at his table, we intentionally share meals with each other and with not-yet-believers, lingering for the shared experience of need and nourishment which point us to Jesus.


As we speak to the Father in prayer, we graciously and intentionally speak the true story of Jesus into the everyday life and stories of our believing and not-yet-believing friends.


As we rest in God’s work, we intentionally and regularly pause, celebrate, and play together, recognizing that we are God’s mission while on his mission, so we can rest while he continually works.

This guide created by Soma Tacoma is a helpful tool to look at each week as we attempt to live out our missionary identity and make disciples in all of life.

Randy Moore