Sunday Gathering
4 PM @ Pond Springs Church - 13300 Pond Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78729
Our Missional Communities come together on Sundays at 4 pm. We gather to celebrate all that Jesus has done and is doing in our lives. We gather to worship Jesus, he is our Savior, and we love him. We gather to remind, refocus, and reshape our hearts and lives around Jesus. We gather because we are the church, the body (Soma), and we need each other. We would love for you to join us at 4 pm.
Why We Gather
The Bible warns that we are forgetful people. Thus, we remind each other regularly of our identity in Christ, worshiping Him through song, prayer, communion, and study of Scripture. We view Sunday Gatherings as a "commissioning service" to equip and empower our Missional Communities (MCs), that they might be sent out as disciples who make disciples.
What to Expect
Ephesians 4:1-16 tells us that we are one body with many different parts. When each part is working properly, the entire body is built up into him, who is the head, Jesus Christ! To that end, we seek to study The Word as a whole body. Our sermons are often interactive, allowing the saints to build each other up in love if you're a first-time visitor, no worries! No one is required to interact, and you will certainly never be put on the spot to share.
Soma Kids
Kids are a part of the church, and we want them to know that. We have childcare for 2-year-olds - 1st grade during the Sermon. We have an area for kids under 2 to play; we ask for one parent to stay with them there. For 2nd grade and up, there are clipboards with activities to help them engage in the teaching.
Scattered Sundays - Last Sunday of the Month
One of our regular rhythms for our Sunday Gatherings is to Scatter on the last Sunday of the month. This is to remind us that the church is not a building but a people. It isn’t programs but a relationship. We take time on Scattered Sundays to focus on our relationship with God. It isn’t a day of “ no church,” rather a day to focus on Jesus in other environments and ways. Taking time to sabbath and rest with your Missional Community, serve others, enjoy God’s creation.