Advent 2021

Formed from a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival,” Advent is the traditional celebration of the first advent of Jesus in humility and the anxious awaiting of His second advent in glory. The season is a time for remembering and rejoicing, watching, and waiting. The Advent season begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and continues up to Christmas Day.

Advent is an opportunity for us to remember God’s promise to send One who would overcome sin and death forever. God promised a Savior, and He kept that promise perfectly.

The Christian Year begins with Advent, which prepares us to celebrate Jesus' first coming and his second coming to judge the living and the dead. It is marked by waiting and longing for the Lord.

(Would you like a look at the Christian Liturgical Year? you can find more info by clicking on the picture // you can also read more in this book: “Living the Christian Year,” by Bobby Gross)

Lastly, a short video describing the Christian year here: The Christian Year.

We are starting our Advent season in our homes this year.

Advent Wreath or Candles:

Part of the Advent season is the lighting of candles for each of the themes of Advent. The symbolism of lighting a candle each week and the growing brightness reminds us of the hope we have in the coming light of Christ. Lighting the Advent candles in our homes and at our gatherings enacts faith in John’s testimony: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5

If you don’t have a wreath or candle set, you can improvise with 5 candles, one for each theme of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and the Christ candle, to be lit on Christmas.

Advent Guide:

Below you will find a Pdf that will help guide you this Advent season. Each week there is a brief introduction, an optional Bible Project video, scripture to read and consider, discussion questions, prayer, and a song. There is also a Jesus Storybook reading for families with kids.

Randy Moore