Helping Slovakia help Ukraine...(Update Nov 1)
For several years, we have partnered with Ervin Mittelmann and Moziaka Church in Kosice, Slovakia. Ervin and his family - Marika (wife) and children Filip and Miriam have come to stay in Austin and are dearly loved by our church and many others.
I ( Randy ) was able to call Ervin on Saturday night to get an update on how they are helping the Ukrainian refugees flee from their homes and country looking for safety in Slovakia. As of March 6, the estimate is that over 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine to surrounding countries, and that number continues to grow. Ervin said the estimates are 17,000 people a day are entering Slovakia from Ukraine. Unfortunately, most of them have little, and the needs are significant.
Giving update:
As of November 1 , we have received over $27,775.
All funds are used to help support the work in Slovakia and Ukraine. To meet the need of refugees and immigrants fleeing the Russian invaders.
In this update video, Ervin shares the ways Mozaika is currently ministering to the Ukrainian Refugees in Košice.
5th UPDATE VIDEO - End of April
3rd UPDATE VIDEO - March 19
2nd update - March 6
1st update - March 6
4th UPDATE VIDEO - April 2
Highlights from 3rd Video Update.
Continue to Pray - VITAL
Give - The financial support is a blessing and is very needed
Share this page and your heart for this Crisis.
OHB ( Slovakian aide organization through Cirvke Bratka church denomination connected to Moziaka). Pastor Yuri in Michalovce needs to Buy a 7 passenger van to help get supplies into Ukraine. He also needs an assistant that can help him with organizing needs. Pray for more volunteers for the Crisis Call Center for OHB
OHB Crisis Care course for people helping refugees will be good.
Ervin has connected to a reporter that wants to share the stories of helping.
They are receiving funds from OHB national fund and through our Soma Fund. The fund connected to Soma Austin helps them meet local needs more quickly. As of 3/19, there has been $12,700 collected. $3000 of the funds has already been distributed to help those in need, like families opening up their houses to host refugees.
Rent Flat Apt or Houses - difficult. Ervin is meeting with the Kosice City government to find properties that will work to help refugees.
Praise God - One apartment has been made available near a member of Mozaika. The family of a Ukrainian Pastor is using it. He will be at Mozaika tomorrow ( March 20)
Helped a Ukrainian living in Estonia connect with his daughters and hear about the Gospel of Jesus
Teens Group called “Friends” - Gave out 40 Meals and drinks to help and serve refugees at the train station.
All of the members of Mozaika are participating by coordinating, connecting, meeting needs, and fundraising.
Pictures from Mozaika helping refugees

What are the needs?
Housing is a need. - Ervin and other leaders in Kosice ( 60 miles from the border with Ukraine) are helping find refugees a flat ( Apartments) to stay in. It costs roughly $650 or 600 euros a month to rent one flat. One flat can house two families. They are praying for 5 flats to help 10 families right now.
Support for the refugees is a need. The Slovakian government is opening up help to those needing it. Mozaika is working to help those in need find the help they are looking for - health insurance, jobs, government resources.
Supplies to people still in Ukraine are a need. So Ervin is looking for ways to send supplies into Ukraine to help provide for the necessities for living.
How can you help?
1st - Prayer - For the end of this Russian aggression, for the protection of the innocent, and for the encouragement of those serving on the front lines.
2nd Give Financially - We have a fund set up that all proceeds will go directly to the church in Slovakia to care for the refugees and need so Ukrainian immigrants and the needs listed above.
3rd Share - Many people are looking for ways to help. Please share this page, the video, or social media posts to let people know how they might be able to join in helping.