Being the Church , the need of the Church
Why does Soma Exist? We want to see every man, woman and child have a life-changing encounter with Jesus through sharing and showing the Good News of Jesus in all of life.
What has God called us to do? First, we make disciples that make disciples.
What does that look like for us?
Reorient towards Formation
Reorient towards Invitation
Reorient towards Mission
Build our structure
Importance of Formation
It is being with Jesus, cultivating life with Jesus.
Hunger, Thirst, desire for God
The expectation that God would work.
Reminder: We are being formed and shaped into something. For believers, that ought to be the new creation, not in the worship of the created
Our Hungers and thirsts desires to be like Jesus…. I want more of you.
Invitation - We start every gathering with a call to worship reminding ourselves that God is the initiator he is chasing and pursing us.
INVITING us into a new life.
Come - Follow Me and invitation into a new life,
change who you are and what you do
Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden - I will give rest
My yoke is easy and my burden is light
Inviting people into appropriate places. MC, DNA, GATHERING around our table.
Reorient towards Mission
We are sent ones, Care for each other well, and loved those near to us and in need.
Everyday LIFE - All work all of life is the arena that God is at work in
Outward focus// Jesus did get alone, but he also came to seek and save the lost. There is a purpose to the life we have, not merely earning more money or surviving
It is to make disciples of all nations - share the love of God that you are experiencing with the world around you.
Build our structure - Not a time for holding on or maintaining
But a time to prepare for What God might do
Importance of Trellis work in our life so that the vine might more easily abide and so that it may be fruitful.
Same goes for us..
Personal Plan - rule of life
Meet to discuss it, walk through it,
Create opportunities that are invitable.
Make our Gathering, MC and DNA’s inevitable to the degree they need to be
List of people I am praying for and inviting into life.
More training, coaching, and equipping of current leaders
Develop new leaders